Originally Posted by Ohio
I am looking for a new way to view the church life ... though I am surrounded by failed marriages, broken friendships, useless doctrines, controlling leaders, deadening programs, etc. (I have decided to leave out the bad things.)
It's kind of like going thru a painful divorce, everything looks so bleak ... that is until another special girl (or guy) comes along to help us forget the past.
Is that too binary?
Btw, nice to hear you and your wife singing together, but it made me a little moody ...
Nah, it's not too binary. Pray to meet that special guy or girl that helps one to forget the past. But don't look for that special guy or girl (in this LC analogy) in a predetermined way. Be open to the Lord to surprise you.
Hey, who said that was my wife and me on the song? It's just "some guy and his wife," okay! Sorry it made you moody, but that's a good response I'd say. It was a lamentation.