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Old 09-26-2014, 11:34 PM   #187
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: A Wake Up Call - God is Speaking to Us

Originally Posted by Nell View Post

Thank you for that.

I do find awareness' remarks out of line and I won't be responding to anyone's insults. As Christians, we should be able to have a civil conversation, even if we disagree.

I recommend that you stop reading this topic and pick up The Harbinger. This topic contains misinformation and misrepresentation that are difficult to wade through. If/when you get the book, (I downloaded a Kindle) assume it isn't true. (That shouldn't be hard!) Make Jonathan Cahn convince you that there is something to his story. Be a total skeptic. That's what I did.

I wasn't prepared for the writing style of the book. It was a little off-putting at first, but the story was compelling enough that I hung in there. It's written like a fictional account of pieces of a puzzle being put together when you didn't previously know a puzzle existed.

Overlay all these factual, historical events over events that occurred in the Old Testament.

As the story builds, you will either be convinced or you will remain a skeptic. Either way, you'll be educated about the contents of this topic and you'll learn a lot about the events of September 11 and its place in American history that you didn't know existed.

Regardless of whether you buy in to Cahn's premise, you may be able to appreciate that God does warn us when we're about to get into trouble and we really do need to repent and turn to Him, or turn back to Him.

If you don't want to spend the $$$'s, check out a few web sites.

That's my best help for you. I think you'll enjoy the read.

Again, thank you for your kindness to me. Sorry I can't explain it like I see it in my head.

You're welcome Nell. I already checked out Cahn at Wikipedia, and "Q&A with Jonathan Cahn". Ministry Today. Retrieved 22 January 2014.
Jump up ^ Jothen, Tiffany (July 17, 2013). "'The Harbinger': Is God Warning America? - Jonathan Cahn Relates America To Ancient Israel". Christian Post. Retrieved 22 January 2014. I saw no substance to his hypothesis. I might read his book, but at the moment I have a lot of reading on my plate of a less speculative variety and as I said his predictions are quite nebulous and selective. I'm not saying that Cahn is a con, but, I haven't ruled it out. If 2015 is like most other years in recorded history, there will be plenty of events fro him to point to and say "I told you so" like a finger-wagging parent. He'll be able to sell a sequel and fill a hall.

Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86

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