Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:36 AM   #852
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Originally Posted by Toledo View Post
Brother Lee was a good bible teacher, but not a very good leader.
I agree with this statement, in that it differentiates teachings from actions. It sounds innocuous enough, but on closer examination, it's kind of like, "Do what I say, not what I do."

As I left the LC's, the pattern of bullying was glaringly evident on every level. This so-called "leadership style" was taught and learned on every level. Sure ... some were affected more than others, but the disease was systemic. Most of the sad stories on these forums have to do with abusive patterns of "leadership" learned either directly or indirectly from WL himself.

These patterns have also been seen in the GLA far too often. I have seen too many precious saints leave, and who is left to "go on" with?

I am not here to bash anyone, especially the dead. But the living sometimes need to understand "what happened." For years I asked myself inwardly, "how could something so good become so bad." I watched "love for the saints" transmute into "zeal for a program." I watched the word of life become systematized doctrines. After the "new way" fizzled out, even the so-called "great teacher" began to entangle all of us in complicated, extra-biblical, esoteric, lifeless theology -- much of it designed to bring all the LC's under his controls. And if that, in the end, was his real goal, then in fact he really was a "great leader."
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