Thank you, Roger. That meant a lot to me. It did.
SC wrote: I would look for a creative solution, a way to help the sibling without destroying the father. Actually, the father needs as much help as the sibling, maybe more.
SC, with all respect, I understand what you are saying about this fictional father. It's true -- he would need help. But sometimes he should also go straight to prison.
I am not sure how to translate that into the LC/WL situation, but I see it as fitting. I'm just not sure how. But it does, oh it does.
I don't think WL should go to prison, obviously. But I hold no soft spots for him at all. Not as a good teacher, not as anything. There you have it. The cat is out of the bag. Nothing good to say about him. The stuff about the history, going all the way back to the very beginning, and seeing that he always practiced spiritual abuse, always followed money and excused immorality when it was convenient for him --- wow.
It would be the fictional father having kids
just to abuse them. Setting it up from the very beginning.