Originally Posted by Igzy
I have a question for you, SC, and anyone else who cares to answer.
If you were the older sibling of a child who was damaged by an abusive father, would you spend most of your time in discussion with your sibling telling him or her all the good points of your father?
In other words, what would be more important to you, salvaging your father's reputation, or helping your sibling find healing?
Okay, I'll answer your loaded question.
I wouldn't allow the father to continue to abuse the sibling. I would look for a creative solution, a way to help the sibling without destroying the father. Actually, the father needs as much help as the sibling, maybe more.
There. I answered your question. Now you mine. And if you've forgotten, it's: Who are you talking about when you describe people who turn a blind eye to problems by saying Lee was a great guy? If it was me, sorry, but I guess you haven't been paying attention to the nub of my general argument.