Originally Posted by Igzy
I have a question for you, SC, and anyone else who cares to answer.
If you were the older sibling of a child who was damaged by an abusive father, would you spend most of your time in discussion with your sibling telling him or her all the good points of your father?
In other words, what would be more important to you, salvaging your father's reputation, or helping your sibling find healing?
Good point/question, Igzy.
I would share with him/her that the same thing happened to me, that he/she is not alone. Knowing that you are not the only one it ever happened to helps ALOT in healing.
EVENTUALLY, MAYBE it would be time to try to understand the whys behind the abuse -- why the father was an abuser, understand his story. Eventually, maybe. And maybe never.
And to Nell -- about being deceived. After I finally was open to God in the LC aftermath, I prayed so much that God would protect me from ever being deceived again -- by anyone or anything --- and that I would never deceive myself. Boy, I was clear by then that I had been SO deceived. Eventually, those prayers were answered and now I have a relationship with Jesus and with His people. It took me a really long time to trust.
Side note: on a personal level, as my husband and I prepare for our snow-birdness, we leave our younger son here. He's 26, not a baby (I
do know that), but I miss him so much while we are gone. And he is so sad for us to go. So, while it is good to go -- the cold here just kills us these days --- I am having a sad day. Just thought I would stick that in here. Admin, if you need to delete it, I understand. I'm sad.
not that okay today.