Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind
Unlike God we can't see into hearts ... or minds. But Asians and Westerners look differently on the outside, that we can see, so why not on the inside too, where we can't see?
That dismissing a common human moral core, of course, if such a thing exists. (I think it does.)
Personally, I love the Asian mind. And Asian women (I married one - a Lee).
Zeek recently quoted from Joseph Campbell, "Masks of God - Oriental."
Long back I read the Masks of God "Primitive," "Occidental," and "Creative." I skipped "Oriental" cuz I knew it would be Campbell's best in the series, and was saving and savoring it.
Well years passed. Many years actually. Then, a couple of yrs ago I got the itch for it again. I have the paper bound book, but wanted it for Kindle. I went searching for it at Amazon, only to find no such format existed. I'm a member of the Joseph Campbell Foundation so I emailed them about the series coming out in ebook format. Was told they were working on it but only had Oriental ready. Long, short, of it, they sent me a free copy. Long, short, of that, Zeek quoted from it.
I say all that because Oriental mythology goes back before Abraham ; before the Bible was a thought in the mind of God, prolly, if that's possible ; before, definitely, the thought of a Messiah entered into the mind of man (improbable prolly, cuz man has always needed a savior - we're born needing a savior - our mother), but you know what I mean.
As a result the Asian culture, history, mythology, and mind, is/are complex.
It's been mentioned that Nee and Lee's theology, specially as to their Delegated/Deputy Authority, was primed by their Asian background.
But actually, it was Christianity that was primed by the Asian background. Oriental mythology is replete with human gods, with virgin births, and much of the same symbols, found in Christianity.
And that makes it all the more difficult to figure out how much the Asian mindset influenced what became know as the local church movement ... also headed by gods ... coincidentally. How do you like that?
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.