Originally Posted by rayliotta
Oh, dear zeek, we have a rich ministry in the local churches, and this ministry has revealed to us that Witness Lee is the minister of the age!
You do know that, don't you?
You do know that, don't you?
That is what Witness Lee claimed for himself. To question that proposition was rebellion. Therefore, even to ask what evidence Lee based his claim marked the inquirer as a disobedient rebel by the definition of Nee and Lee. Faithful saints did not question and strove to shed their individuality.
I was a true believer who tried to rid myself of individuality for years before I gave up on it. I am thankful now that I failed. If God created everything that is then God created me the individual that I am. A good God does not create bad stuff. If you believe that God is good then you can believe that you are essentially good too.
Based on Biblical principles, I am using my God-given ability to reason and my individuality to express who I am. Nee and Lee were wrong about these matters. Their teaching was psychologically damaging to me and many others because it was untrue and contrary to life. I stand against these aspects of their teaching.
I don't consider myself a rebel. I consider Nee and Lee to be in error on these matters and I submit the people that they have hurt over the years as evidence. The conception of humanity which is embodied in documents like the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address represents an advance which Nee and Lee did not appreciate or understand. It's a higher conception of humanity than theirs.
We gave up our western heritage too easily for the ministry of Lee/Lee. Their conception, contrary to the claim that it was a "recovered item", was actually a step backwards into something barbaric. We were foolish to abandon our human rights for the Nee/Lee system. When I saw that the church authorities including Lee did not live by the standards that they required of the rest of us, I left. I should have left after reading the Jack Sparks' observation in
The Mind Benders that Local Churchers were required to give up the normal use of our minds because it was true as a review of Nee and Lee's published works verifies.