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Old 09-06-2014, 05:04 AM   #260
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

This quote is a real eye-opener, even for me, one who was active in the LC's for 30 years and studied them at a distance for another 10.
In order to be blended together, we need to confess the sin of individualism and individuality. Our individualism is a kind of principle, a kind of policy, with us. Every one of us has his own policy, his own human logic. Our individualism becomes our logic. The educational system in America educates the young people to be individuals. The logic of being an individual, or the logic of individualism, is a sin in the eyes of God. We need to condemn individualism and individuality. In our church life we may be full of individuality. We may not care for others but may care only for ourselves. Even though we may love others, we may not care for others. In loving others we may still care for ourselves. This is individuality. We need to confess this sin. As long as such germs remain within us, we cannot be one and we cannot be blended. [Fellowship Concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups by Witness Lee]

Here Lee creates another "deadly sin" where the Bible has none: INDIVIDUALITY. To a typical member of the Recovery, it seems that here Lee sees something that the rest of us cannot see. Thus members are convinced that this is once again proof that Lee is the Oracle of God.

Actually not. No one else "sees" it because it is not in the Bible. God never condemns individuality because He created us that way. Then why would Lee create such a new sin? Because then he can secure his power and control over others. Since he alone can "see" who is an INDIVIDUAL and who is not, he alone can determine who should be esteemed in his version of the body of Christ. This simple measure alone completely insulates his sphere of influence from all interference.
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