Re: How Much To Throw Out?
So far of the things that I'm throwing out this one I'm throwing the furthest because I think it is the most toxic and insidious...and that is that there are two gospels. LSM teaches that there are two gospels...a low gospel and a high gospel. But the genuine minister of the age (Paul) says in two places in the NT (Gal 1:8, and II Cor 11:4) not to accept a gospel different than the one that Paul taught. He uses strong words that anyone teaching a different gospel is under God's curse. I think it grieves my Savior to refer to His suffering, death and resurrection leading to the forgiveness of sins and spiritual rebirth as somehow being the "low" gospel. There is only one gospel that begins with forgiveness of sins and rebirth and continues with sanctification throughout the saved sinner's human life, I think. Who gets to decide what's high and what's low?