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Old 09-03-2014, 11:58 AM   #241
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by aron View Post
In the West we were at a crisis point (remember the campus sit-ins and take-overs, the assassinations of RFK and MLK, the Weathermen, the SLA, Black Panthers etc) and Lee insinuated himself into this social instability: he was very charismatic in public, humble in private, and would give you enough Bible verses to make your head spin... plus you got to scream and shout! Home, home in the church; once you bought into his scheme you never questioned it, no matter how weird it became.
American social unrest, such as aron highlighted above, opened the door for a real move of the Spirit of God -- labeled my many as the Jesus Movement.

In an amazing sleight of hand trickery, Lee spun history to convince all of his Recovery faithful that he himself alone coming to the US was the reason for God's abundant blessing during this time.

It's kind of like a surfer riding out a great wave, only to come to shore and convince us that he actually was the cause of that great wave.
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