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Old 08-31-2014, 06:09 PM   #204
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
The Plymouth Brethren also began in the late 1820's out of an intense interest in the prophecies.
And while they were busy in Ireland, William Miller was busy with prophecies here in the states, creating The Great Disappointment.

The end of times prophecies have been used to deceive and fleece the sheep for a couple thousand years.

Basically, life sucks, so we hope in something better after the end of time. And that's probably why those in China are an easy market for believing in the end of time prophecies.

The latest, Harold Camping, now gone to not be with the Lord (just kidding), made over $90 million ... and he knew to reach out to the Asian mind to get it.
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