Re: How Much To Throw Out?
No, I was not an elder although supposedly Karl Hammond was “grooming” me to be one when I left for Detroit. I was never interested since I was so active on campuses etc. I actually never understood the “elder” concept in SC and I let Karl handle that stuff. Yes, Dennis became an elder but not sure about Dave…I am sure Karl was the third. Karl and his wife finally split and I had some correspondence with him a few years back. Yes, he was quite the character but he said it like it was. I really liked him.
I wasn’t close to Lee but when I was asked go to Detroit for a conference with Lee I ended up sitting in the back seat of a car with him and Don O’Born. Lee asked me, “When can you come to Detroit?”. I should have answered, “NEVER” but I was under his spell.
No, I don’t remember the elders Lee replaced because by the time I arrived Tim, Ron and Harry were the elders. Not sure what was going on before other than my relatives were very involved after I wrote and called them about WL and the LC and how wonderful it all was. Of course, the LC in Santa Cruz was wonderful -- it was exciting, fun and full of life unlike Detroit for the most part but I attribute that to the elders who made it too heavy.
For better or worse? Are you kidding me? I live comfortably a few blocks from the ocean, I have hiked the Inca trail and hiked down the Grand Canyon a few times, the White Mtns, Appalachian trail etc., caught salmon, rockfish, halibut etc in Alaska, kayaked and dug up claims in Alaska, witnessed the blue whale, sperm whales as far as the eye can see in the Sea of Cortez, swam with sea lions, dolphins, manatees, rented a 100 ft yacht where we were in the middle of a feeding frenzy of humpback whales in the inside passage in Alaska… Life is not just about saying Oh Lord Jesus but enjoying the journey of this life. Sure I have read extensively but I am also an activist for what I believe. I don’t just mouth the words but I do my best to live the life. My wife will be part of 100,000 marchers in September in NY in the People’s Climate March. Anyway, life for me is more than finding out the meaning of the greek word “love” but the experience of life itself.