Originally Posted by zeek
. . . Witness Lee stood against critical thinking in doctrine and practice even for adults.
. . . So I don't deny that subliminal learning . . .
Witness Lee stood against critical thinking, methinks, because subliminal forces worked better.
But looking back, because a Full-Duplex transmission was going on -- it is confusing to put it together -- the problem could have been me, or Lee. Or both.
I wasn't seeking critical thinking back then. I was seeking God and His eternal purpose. And I thought I could get there by jumping into the subliminal waters that pervaded the milieu in the local church.
Praying was a subliminal activity, especially group prayer. Pray-reading was subliminal, especially group pray-reading. Pray-reading was chock-full of subliminal messaging. Calling on the Lord was subliminal activity, especially group calling. Meetings were full of subliminal messaging.
And I dove right in. Thinking it, diving into the subliminal waters, were working me into God and His purpose.
What a delusion! And yes, I thought my way out of it.
That's why I'm a critical thinker today. It's a defense mechanism against falling for anything like the local church.