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Old 08-29-2014, 08:42 AM   #176
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
I was already aware of Taoism before I joined the Local Church
Well you never told me about it. You left me in the dark.

But then again, I probably appeared too fanatical for the recovery, for you to bring it up. I was, in fact, fanatical. Or maybe we failed to have enough alone fellowship time together, for you to find opportunity to confide in me. Did you share it with Dave?

Hey, Dave, were you aware of Lee's Taoistic cultural influence, back in Detroit days?

Back to Zeek:

"The Tao," I would have prolly responded, "Why go back to the Tao, when we're on the spearhead of God's Recovery," I'd likely say to dismiss your sharing of spotting Taoism in Witness Lee. (But like Eve to the tree, I would have run to the library (no internet back then, or even personal computers) to look into Taoism).

What an idiot I was back then. And all the while, as you recognized, the Tao was being slipped into my subconscious, by a crazy little Chinaman.

LSM doesn't even realize, to this day -- it has slipped past even Kangas' sharp mind -- that they're subliminally pushing Taoism by publishing Lee's books. But it's there.

I should be appreciative. I'm very glad the Lord eventually led me to the Tao De Ching; where I can get the unadulterated Tao (if there is such a thing), a purity not coming out of Lee.

And one more thing about the Tao. The Tao, and the Tao religion, are two different things. The Tao religion can take many shapes ; even, perchance, the shape of a Christian Recovery.
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