Originally Posted by awareness
See. Lee subliminally infected you with the Tao. Prolly aron too. And all the rest out here. Some. however, may be resisting that flow.
Don't take sides bro Zeek.
You believe in subliminal infecting and worming. There's a simpler, better supported explanation. I was already aware of Taoism before I joined the Local Church otherwise I wouldn't have observed the similarities between Lee and Taoism when I was there. And, even then, when Lee denied the influence of Chinese culture on his thinking, it occurred to me that he was probably simply not conscious of what seemed so evident to many others. I remember one brother who observed that the Eastern influence of the "Ministry" was what gave it its unique flavor as opposed to Christianity. Even though I wanted to disagree with him, I couldn't see how to refute it in view of the evidence.