Originally Posted by Matt
I'm not trying to "trap" you. I am looking for what you can honestly acknowledge that you did when you "gave" yourself to "Christ and the church" in the context of the LC.
I've my twosense to add. This allegiance you mention is different to many brothers and sisters. In my experience giving myself to "Christ and the Church" is not a pledge or an oath of allegaince. It was a matter of comitting my life to the Lord and my time to the locality I lived in.
Other's might view Christ and the Church equalling Witness Lee's ministry. That was not my case. I have an appreciation of Witness Lee's ministry just as I do for Watchman Nee, Stephen Kaung, GH Pember, T. Austin Sparks, etc.
If there's a suggestion brothers and sisters meet in the local churches because of Witness Lee's ministry. That is a misconception. That might be the case for a select minority, but not the majority.
Brothers and sisters in the local churches would get offended if it was insinuated or flat out told they're better off meeting elsewhere if you're not here for Witness Lee's ministry. Most meeting in the local churches do have an appreciation for Witness Lee's ministry, but that's not why they're meeting in the local churches. It's because of Christ foremost and because of the need for a practical expression on the earth.
Quite frankly Matt, the local churches don't need Living Stream Ministry in order to have a normal Christian church life. There is always the Bible.