If I didn't hear this with my own ears I wouldn't believe it....
Here we go...
Word-for-word...directly from the recording...
Mr. Chris Wilde
“…the Lords recovery did not begin,
nor would we say ends, with any particular group
or any particular servant of God”

Mr. Andrew Yu
“…when we say that we are the Lord’s recovery,
it's like when we say we are the church,
we are not saying that we are the only church, we are part of the church,
in the same way when we say we are the Lords recovery
we are not saying that we are the only thing that is being recovered..”

“Anything that is a positive contribution to the body of Christ
is part of the Lord’s recovery”

“...And so you see yourself not as exclusively the church, you don’t see yourself as the only expression of Christianity, you see a broader body of Christ and you desire fellowship and interaction with that larger Body”
Mr. Andrew Yu:
That’s right!