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Old 08-25-2014, 07:42 PM   #146
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Default Re: The Asian mind and the Western mind

Originally Posted by aron View Post

This kind of "perfecting" and its obvious side-effects went against the scripture, against common sense, and most importantly against our own consciences, yet we took it, and came back for more. If this is not fallen human culture successfully masquerading as the way of eternal life, what is? Amazing, in retrospect, that so many people got so deeply taken in by this. If I wasn't there I might say they were without discernment, etc. But I was there, and that seems like an awful lot of people lacking discernment, and ignoring their consciences.
Young people ... By definition ... Are discernment deficient.

That defined me. And perhaps you. It also had nothing to do with our innate intelligence.

And this is why I place nearly all the responsibility on leaders like Lee and Chu and the Blendeds.

They all knew better. We did not because we were young. They actually were wrongly calibrating our consciences.

Young believers really need leaders who will help them to properly calibrate their consciences in the ways of life and righteousness. This is the healthy pattern we see in the scriptures.

And this is why I am so thankful for leaders like John Ingalls. They spoke up against all odds. They were willing to risk it all to be faithful to their conscience.
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