Originally Posted by awareness
The serpent in that book is/was Jessie Penn-Lewis. There's claims that he, Nee, pretty much got the book from Lewis, claims of plagiarism even.
"In 1926, when he was suffering from tuberculosis, Ni began his first major book, The Spiritual Man, which sought to explain spiritual formation in terms of biblical psychology, especially the radical distinction between “soul” (self-consciousness) and “spirit” (God-consciousness). Published in 1928, the three-volume work has been called basically a translation of Penn-Lewis’s Soul and Spirit, published ten years earlier, though Ni did not make that clear. These early efforts laid the theological foundation for his future teaching ministry."
From the "Biographical dictionary of Chinese Christianity" web site.
So Nee had an "extensive literature ministry", according to this site, in which he "did not make clear" all his sources... sound familiar?