I apologize that this is a bit off topic, but since we are on the subject of "how much to throw out"...

Over the years I have purchased many LSM and NYCYPCD songs. I already threw out songs that are obviously LC-centric, such as "Splendid Church Life," "Down in Babylon," "God Has Called Us for His Purpose," "God's Eternal Economy," and "Mingle, Mingle Hallelujah." LOL those songs were OH SO catchy. I was absolutely appalled when I analyzed those lyrics from my current perspective. Sadly, these songs are practically ingrained in my mind b/c I have been singing them from youth. There are some "classic" songs that I enjoy, but whenever I listen to them, I can't help but connect those to memories of being in the LRC or LRC people. I can't even pick up my guitar or ukelele anymore! Does anyone else struggle with lingering memories attached to or evoked by certain stimuli? It is actually quite a pity. Well, I guess I answered my own question. However, I do want to point out that over half of the songs I owned were either based on the LRC teachings or exalting the LRC movement, and these types of songs were sung most often in YP/college meetings...almost borderline propaganda.