Igzy shared:
"Did you ever wonder why the LC never talked about faith much? They reason is they don't really value it. They value assenting to the group much more than they value faith. In fact, a person of real faith is a threat to the LC because they can't control him. They want people who will wring their hands because they missed a "meeting" and don't know how to get God in any other way. The whole system is based on keeping people weak enough so they need the system. This is why they bad-mouth "spiritual giants." To them a normal Christian is one who must get everything through others, never directly from God. And they've manufactured a bunch of them."
This is so very true--here Igzy nails it. The LC has become a mediator between them and God. This is what creates the fear and the desperate need.
Over and over I tell my spouse that there is only ONE mediator between God and man--Christ! It never sinks in. I point out that we will each face judgment alone before Christ with no church at our side. Each of us must answer individually and this totally negates the power of the church to "get us there" since they are not there to advocate for us or take part of the blame. (This, of course, is obvious.)
And regarding the HWFMR, I note this: at the top of each page are a couple of "chunks" or Bible verses and then two full pages of what Lee or Nee has to say about those "chunks". Therefore, we are steeped in what men have to say about God's Word rather than what IT says directly to each of us in our own situation and growth. I no longer read it at all, but my spouse relies on this almost completely for "time with the Lord". It is really quite boring and full of strange statements that pop up and are seemingly accepted by everyone. There is never any serious examination or discussion about what is being taught and whether or not it is correct.