Thread: A lost soul
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Old 08-20-2014, 12:31 PM   #14
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Default Re: A lost soul

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Great comments here Igzy.
Thanks, Ohio.

And let me add, that if the LC ever really tried to develop people of genuine strong faith, that is people who truly know God and have the boldness to follow him wherever he leads, the system would fall apart. It would burst at the seams with the new wine.

They have to keep their members alive enough to fuel the system, but not so alive that they can function without it. So they hook them on their proprietary version of God (processed pablum, no firsthand knowledge), without which they feel they cannot live and for which they are utterly dependent on the movement.

So my advice to "lost soul" is grow your faith. Trust God, seek God, get to know God. Stack up experience after experience of him speaking directly to you, guiding you and coming through for you--experiences that you cannot deny and that no one can take away from you, and no snake oil salesman of any stripe can trick you into abandoning. That's what the Bible calls "the shield of faith."
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