Re: A lost soul
Essentially the grip the LC had on us was this: They taught us to appreciate God, but did not teach us how to get God ourselves. We were trained to get him through the movement. Remove the movement and we couldn't get God, or so we were conditioned.
People who still struggle with memories of the LC do so because they still, to some extent, have not learned how to get God on their own. Why? Because they've never really gotten serious enough about doing so. Now, they may have worried, or fretted, or cried about it. But God doesn't respond to that. He responds to FAITH. And if you don't have faith, you're not going to get him. It's that simple. **
Did you ever wonder why the LC never talked about faith much? They reason is they don't really value it. They value assenting to the group much more than they value faith. In fact, a person of real faith is a threat to the LC because they can't control him. They want people who will wring their hands because they missed a "meeting" and don't know how to get God in any other way. The whole system is based on keeping people weak enough so they need the system. This is why they bad-mouth "spiritual giants." To them a normal Christian is one who must get everything through others, never directly from God. And they've manufactured a bunch of them.
These guys who go back after years never overcame that conditioning. They got institutionalized. They never developed their own faith in God.
** "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." Hebrews 11:6.