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Old 08-14-2014, 06:21 AM   #90
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 969
Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

I stumbled on "The Unvarnished New Testament" translated by Andy Gaus recently (I hope it's an ok translation) and the way it's written and presented is helping me to read the NT kind of like reading it again for the first time. I think the RcV with footnotes has a place, but using it as the only bible to read is kind of like reading the bible with "LSM blinders" on. The danger (to me) is that I only see what the LSM editors saw (or want me to see). Unless the Spirit has "packed up and gone home" or only speaks to the minister of the age, all the saints should benefit from the fresh Spirit's speaking while reading the bible. I'm not talking about seeing new doctrines or high peak truths. I think when it comes to the Spirit being my comforter He lives in the "here and now" and longs to speak to me about the "here and now" (kind of like Paul learning to live in whatever circumstance the Lord brings his way, or how I treat my spouse, kids, and others?). Maybe my greatest need is having the Spirit speak to me through the word in the "here and now" rather than only enjoying the high peak truths?
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