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Old 08-13-2014, 05:29 PM   #85
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
OK OBW, if it seems that I am too wishy-washy for your liking, it is only because some I know and love have thrown the proverbial baby out with the bathwater.
I was not dissing you in any way. Rather I was giving you a way to understand me as something less than demanding a blank slate. I would agree that is not a good place to be. Probably a lot like Jesus talking about the casting out of the demon where he came back later, and found his old haunt clean and vacant and invited some more demon friends to move in with him.

I know it sounds like I am saying to just dump everything (and that means literally everything if you didn't have anything before the LRC) and just start over. No matter what I say about my own experience, it was never like that. It was instead a slow change in attitude to the place where I didn't start by assuming the LRC stuff was simply right . . . to where I gave the other guys a reasonable read before I said anything . . . to where I generally identify my "that's an old LRC teaching rearing its head in opposition to what I am now hearing" and generally chop its head off without much further thought.

Well, not exactly. I actually consider it all. But I am prone to accept good Dallas Theo kinds of teachings over anything I got in the LRC now. But I've been out for 27 years now. It was not an overnight transition. It wasn't even a rapid transition after joining these forums 18 years after leaving the LRC. For a while I still toyed with the idea that the theory was good while the practice was disastrous. But no more. I really don't even like the theory. I like unity. And I think that it is very important. But what they called unity wasn't. It just had the right sound because of the word "unity." But they weren't talking about unity. Just using (abusing??) the word.

And when it comes to Dallas Theo teaching, I have positions and ideas that makes their professors and students cringe. So I don't necessarily toe their line. But I am satisfied that it is reasonable in a sort of "it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us" kind of way.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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