Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:52 AM   #811
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post

I read your whole post, but I believe that you have made an error in reasoning in this one sentence.

Sin is the root cause. Idolatry is a sin as are other things.

Paul gives some indication that "covetousness" is a root cause of idolatry. Coveting is also a sin.

Can you share with me what you believe the root cause is in terms of sin as God defines it. Otherwise your shifting the target and possible moving to a symptomatic root cause that does not match what is in God's mind.

God is the standard, not our conceptions of things.

Your other thoughts about the root cause are shifting the focus away from sin. We have to be faithful (and careful) to look from God's point of view. Sometimes it is harder to understand things from His point of view, but His Word endures forever. These other concepts and issues that you bring forward do not endure forever.

To the best of my ability I am addressing root causes from God's point of view. The best objective reference I have for that is His Word.

Your introducing modern conceptions of men that are not built upon solid ground or a firm foundation. Sorry, but I have to call that out.


It goes without saying that our sin nature is the source of all pathological human behavior. But specifically sinning is not necessarily the source of a problem. A person can suffer from the consequences of our sinful nature and the warped thinking it produces without having specifically sinned in the area they are being affected.

There is nothing modern about what I'm introducing. Since the fall, human nature has always been human nature. People behave the way they've always behaved because they have always been human.

Yes, our nature is affected by sin, and sin is the source of all pathological behavior. And Jesus Christ is the solution to sin. Yes, we know that. But simply saying "Jesus Christ is the solution for sin" or "you need to repent" may not be enough to get someone out of a destructive behavior pattern. People often need wisdom and counseling on the specifics of how human nature operates to avoid the pitfalls which accompany it.

For example, I'm sure you'd agree that understanding the differences between men and women is a key to marriage success. Would you argue that sharing such insights is "something modern" and therefore inadmissible to Christian fellowship? Proverbs if full of insights into human nature. It doesn't just say "don't sin." It gives insight into specific things to avoid and into how humans tend to react in certain situations. Knowing what to expect is a characteristic of wisdom.

The tendency to eventually identify with oppressors is an observable phenomenon which has happened over and over in history. It is not a theory. It's a characteristic of our fallen nature. This characteristic is, I believe, at work in the minds of some LCers. Bringing it to light is not out of bounds nor a side issue. Yes, sin is the ultimate source of this, but sinning may not be. A person can be innocent and still subject to the pitfalls of human nature.

Last edited by Cal; 09-11-2008 at 07:29 AM.
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