Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:57 AM   #808
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Originally Posted by Igzy View Post

The main problem in the LC is not idolatry. The main problem is the pressure to conform based on a warped vision of authority. The pressure probably leads people to cheerlead "Christ and the Church" in an imbalanced way

Igzy, I sure agree with you here.

And to continue your thought ... much of the problem developed over time using a corruption of semantics.

Originally, when I thought of "Christ and the church," my heart fell in love with the Spirit living in the other believers. That was very attractive. That was very Biblical. And that was worth getting excited about! And I did ... and, yes ... maybe I was far too radical for this great "ideal." (Notice I did not say "vision," because that's now a "bad" word. )

Eventually, "Christ and the church" became no more just the brothers around me, but those brothers in the ministry -- what are they doing and saying. As I have stated before, this change in Ohio occurred dramatically circa 1985. That's not to say there were no personal leadership issues before that -- I have a number of complaints too -- very serious ones -- which could all be summarized as "lording it over" the flock.

As time progressed, our vocabulary changed, not so much in the words themselves, but in their meanings -- semantics, a corruption of semantics. Words had "loaded" meanings. We had one definition for "insiders" and one definition for "outsiders." I for one just got tired of all the "word games." A notable example was the scope of LSM -- for outsiders it was just a publisher, but for insiders 'twas a whole nuther story. I think Apostle Paul confronted these same word games and in frustration declared "let your yes be yes and your no be no."

Words are a great way to manipulate people. Whether it be "oneness" or "the body," LSM has corrupted the meanings with the purpose of controlling churches and saints. The BB's have all become "Word-Smiths" -- masters of word meanings. Any kind of positive blessing which LSM once provided has long been gone.

This is part of the reason why, when we discuss the topic of abuse, there are so many "agreers," and when we talk idolatry, there are so many "disagreers."
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