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Old 08-11-2014, 12:20 PM   #54
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 969
Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

One thing I'm working to throw out is the concept that all division in the body of Christ is bad. This is not polished and I came to it today when I read something in the discussion on another blog re: The Great Schism. A couple of commentators were lamenting the fact that although they believed in The sovereignty of God, what possible benefit could have come from the Great Schism (why did God allow it). This reminded me of an even earlier "schism" that our sovereign God apparently allowed (and even planned for?), which was the temptation and fall of man. I think we all know the wisdom/love/mercy of God in that "fouled-up plan". So, even though perfect unity in the church was God's goal could His allowing of the Great Schism followed by the umpteen other divisions simply be another venue whereby God could show His wisdom/love/mercy in the living out of the lives of the "peacemakers" who live in the reality of the unity even among the divisions? I don't know theology so all this is speculation on my part...I'm feeling more comfortable living with the thought of "going to the divisions".
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