Re: How Much To Throw Out?
OBW has caught a lot of flack for suggesting that everything from the LC should be dumped. Although I too have thought he was a little too insistent on this, I think his point is that, in a way, it might be better to relearn all Christian doctrine, including the stuff the LC got right, rather than clinging tightly to it because you like it so much.
In other words, I think his point is that there is nothing in the LC that you cannot get outside the LC and probably in a healthier manner. He is saying that in some cases it's just better to start from scratch, or act as if your are starting from scratch, when starting over post-LC. So his point isn't that everything in the LC is wrong. His point is you have to relearn everything to get it right anyway so you might as well get started as soon as possible.
I used to object to him more on this. But my experience has told me that he is more right that I first suspected. I had to basically start over with everything to gain a healthier perspective. Clinging to pet LC doctrines just slowed the process of real growth. This was especially true with that which you might see as an LC strength--the matter of inner life. But stuff like "the law of life," "the element of God", "mingling," "God's nature being wrought into us," "the divine dispensing," and a host of others just had to go. Ironically, they got in the way of my relationship with God.
In general, though, we should always have a loose grip on all our supposed understanding of things, pre and post-LC. Someone once said that wisdom is strong opinions loosely held. I think that applies here.