Originally Posted by Matt
That's sounds reasonable enough if the analogy is an equivalency. It's not equivalent.
1. The "giving" of oneself to the "vision of the church" was far more than the what happens in Campus Crusade.
2. Campus Crusade has proven itself to be an organization with high integrity. They are not like the LC.
I think you've made the logical error of a false analogy.
Far more what? Are you saying more zealousness constitutes a difference in kind?
As to your point about integrity, I'm not talking about the intentions of leadership. I'm talking about the heart of the rank and file. Their giving themselves to the vision of the church is usually a matter of high integrity. They might be misled, but in general I don't recall their devotion to the vision of the church being motivated by a lack of integrity. Quite the opposite in fact, part of the problem is too much integrity of a somewhat naive kind.
I'm not ranking the problems and I actually think that in almost all idolatrous systems there is a coupling of bad concepts and practices of authority with false teachings. They are not separate concerns.
When I have been in sin of a more serious and fundamental sort, I haven't been quick to acknowledge what I am doing or have done. I like to shape it into something other than what it is. Eventually, the Lord gets through. Thank the Lord.
Where do you find "psychological barriers" in the Bible? Or to what do you equate it in the word?
You've heard of mind strongholds, right? The concept of barriers is the same. It's a lie in the mind that prevents the truth from setting someone free.
4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5