Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-10-2008, 06:56 PM   #799
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
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YP, I've got no problem with you trying to school me on references (I'll take Mr. Strong and Mr. Vine up against Thayer - none of them were around when the Lord Jesus spoke these words, nor were they around when Matthew wrote his gospel in biblical Greek) Besides, I already warned you that all the minutia surrounding the wider definition of "committed adultery" does not make or break the main contentions of my post.

If you want to say that the average Local Churcher does not "idolize" Witness Lee and his speaking, and that they are not now "idolizing" his ministry, and have not formed and virtually idolize a religious system built around this ministry, well then all I can say is that you are "out of the loop" when it comes to the Local Church of Witness Lee movement. Furthermore, simply pointing out that such things are happening within a group of wayward Christians is not "attacking" them as individuals.

I just attended a couple of the Labor Day "blending conference" meetings, at which a well known "blended brother" was the speaker. At the beginning of both of the meetings they "pray-read" part of the outline...that's right, NOT the holy Word of God...the outline...the mere words of a mere man...There was also a lot of exalting (I would say idolizing) of Witness Lee himself (as usual). There was also a lot of bragging and exalting (I would say idolizing) of the little sect of the Local Church of Witness Lee (as usual)

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
...Soon we found ourselves idolizing the religion of the Local Church that spring forth from this vision. Some of the teachings and practices of this religion were good and biblical, many were arguably harmful and unbiblical. The main point here would not be the percentage of good to bad or biblical to unbiblical, but that fact that the teachings and practices themselves were idolized
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