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Old 08-01-2014, 06:27 PM   #390
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
But, if so, wouldn't Gaffin be disinclined to cite a non-scholar, such as Lee? Lee wasn't a scholar of anything. If anything he was a pretend scholar ... like he was a pretend oracle/apostle/MOTA of God. And a pretend expert on 15:45.

But I agree , there's no evidence of cross-pollination between Gaffin & Lee.
It makes no difference in terms of the truth or falsity of Gaffin's claim whether he got it from Lee or not. He might have found it in a box of Cracker Jacks. The proposition that it matters where he got his claim is a genetic fallacy i.e. a perceived defect in the origin of a claim is taken to be evidence that discredits it. What count's are the merits of his arguments and supporting evidence.

Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86

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