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Old 08-01-2014, 10:26 AM   #31
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Originally Posted by Lisbon View Post

Even though I've been here for over 40 years, I'm not that sure when WL clearly left the Bible and went on his own. I well remember in the mid 80's when he started hatcheting the Psalms and the Psalms were not the only Bible he hatcheted. It really reveals how drugged we were when we didn't stand up and scream. The Christian faith is heavily bound in the Bible and our oracle, apostle, MOTA, dictator spent many years discrediting it while he continued to use the words "pure word of God."
Hi Lisbon..
I'm an oldie but goodie who hasn't been here in a while. I've been 'circling the globe'...the Christian globe. hee hee

I was in the LC from 1975 -1978/79. Fortunately for me, I was in a pretty healthy church life compared to a lot of them. I got saved straight out of the world and was immersed heavily into the Word of God. In 1975, Lee was still using the KJ and the NASB. Those are the translations I was raised in. There was no RcV. But he did start the Genesis messages then and while there was a lot of great stuff I learned from the bible and messages, I did not know any better as I had never picked up a bible in my life. So I had nothing to compare notes with.

I will say that in 1977, there was a HUGE shift to adulating Lee. He was the 'Paul' of this age, etc... and there was overkill emphasis on 'the church'. So it became The church and Christ. And by 1978, it was Lee and the church'. How 'bout that ???

I also noticed the same record was playing over and over and over. You know why? Because the Holy Spirit left. All that was there was NOISE. 'o Lord Jeeeeeeeesus'. His Name... His Precious Name became a sounding cymbal. No heart. No Love. No Anointing. Just dead repetitive Noise.

Back then, I did not know how I was going to leave the LC... so I moved to a different 'locality' which fell apart and I GOT set Free. But while I was out of 'the church', the 'church' was not out of me.

If I'd read my bible and didn't understand something, I would look for a WL or WN book to clarify. DUH !!!!!!!!!

After 18 months "out" I attend a Bible church and the gentleman there is a very well taught man of God and speaks from his heart. I cannot remember when I ever heard WL or any of the BBs or elders speak from their heart. WL just spoke what he had figured out and mostly it was not the Bible but him.
Cool. I personally think the LCrs are in such a weird predicament..due to the brain washing that it is necessary to go meet other believers and listen to 'pastors'.

Many here attend 'church'. I did for several years. I also watched a lot of Christian TV. All this helped get the LC out of me.

But I'm FREE from going to 'church' now. That was my final step OUT to follow the LAMB wherever HE goes. I don't even like labeling myself as a 'Christian'. I wholeheartedly believe and follow Father God by His Word and through His Spirit leading me, guiding me and enlightening me.

I do fellowship with like minded believers. No one I know had the LC experience I had / we had-have, but there are quite a few people out there that were kicked out of their 'church' and one friend of mine was called 'JEZEBEL' not Rebellious or leprous but JEZEBEL !! BL LOL !!

A couple of friends reminded me that God hates the deeds and the doctrine of the Nicolatians. (Clergy lording over the Laity).

Look up... cause we going up ! Jesus is coming ! Come KING Jesus! We LOVE YOU !! I LOVE YOU LORD JESUS ! I REALLY REALLY DO!

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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