Originally Posted by zeek
Before I respond, please clarify what you are saying here. What one phrase? What different discussion? I am referring to the paper entitled “LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT”: PROBING THE CENTER OF PAUL’S PNEUMATOLOGY which UntoHim submitted in post #255.
As I said, I recall reading it some time back (maybe only some days back, but I have slept a lot since then, and been on vacation). So my memory (failing?) was that it was introduced as somenone finding the Holy Spirit in the "life giving spirit" of 1 Cor 15:45. That is the phrase/verse. If I have recalled some detail in error, or should be referring to someone else's writings on the subject, then I sit corrected.
But if it does — at least in part — spring from that verse, then if there is something in his work that better links the verse to The Spirit than Lee did (and is worthy of consideration) I would be happy to hear it. But I do not intend to otherwise read through it since my stated bias is that the context rejects the general premise as off-topic. If that is true, then there is no reason for a point-by-point critique. It is simply in left field.
And if you manage to skip the "it's off topic" aspect and the rest fits together, it does nothing for me because lots of things fit together well if you accept the first premise without question. But question the start and no matter how nice it sounds, it is no longer cohesive. It falls due to lack of support.