Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-10-2008, 10:11 AM   #785
Paul Cox
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Is your comment pointed at anyone else but me? If so, please state, for the record, who it is pointed at...

I'm tired of your jabs. Who would ever claim that I was a "theologian"? I wouldn't claim it. Do I think about things. Absolutely, yes. Why? Because my parents raised me in a sect (some say, cult) of Christianity and I've been forced to really think to clear all the crud out of my head.

I'll respond substantively to Peter, because he is bringing forward some very good things for consideration.

For the record, I haven't done this and I wouldn't do it (branding all as "idolaters"). Did you ever once see me call anyone on the last forum a "cultist"? No. I rarely used the word cult.

I agree with you about mercy, but God is not slack with his mercy. You have to know that he is both holy and full of mercy. The two fit together. If you only focus on the mercy, then you err. If you only focus on the holiness, then you err.

Sorry, but I am going to start calling you out personally on some of your comments from now on.


P.S. I don't mind your substantive comments. You have a very bad habit of focusing things personally. I put up with it on the other forum as moderator out of care for you. I took a lot of heat for it. Let's call a spade a spade. You misbehaved there. You're doing it again.


You can call me out all you want to. I'm not scared of you. When you try to dominate a thread with your personal views, with volumes and volumes of posts, you come across as a "theologian."

I thought it reasonable that you start an idolatry thread. You insist that you would rather make idolatry the main focus of abuse in the Local Church. Many here don’t agree with that view, but your barrel ahead anyway.

Over at the Bereans forum you could shut me down and lock my threads whenever you wanted to. Over here you can probably effectively do the same. Go for it. I don't care. You want to talk about misbehavior on the other forum, your hands are not clean. You struggled hard to stay moderator over there, now there is almost nothing left to moderate.

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