Originally Posted by UntoHim
When it comes to the Trinity, the BIBLICAL Trinity, there really aren't "sides" at all. Only people like Witness Lee would have us believe there are sides to the Trinity.
Again, the problem is words. What is meant by the word "sides?" You object to its usage, but when trying to express ideas about the Trinity, people must use words, and they grasp for them. Are we going to define a list of words we cannot use when trying to describe our ideas and feelings about the Trinity or Christology? So "sides" or "levels" cannot be used, but "persons" or "essence" can? How about "hand" as in "on one hand" or "on the other hand"?
I'm not trying to be a smart-aleck. I'm just saying that what adequately, accurately and properly defines the "BIBLICAL Trinity" is not cut-and-dried. It seems that disallowing certain words is contrary to the previous encouragement for us to wade into deep theology. Word meanings by necessity get stretched, even invented, when treading deep theological water.