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Old 07-26-2014, 09:27 AM   #22
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Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

I don't think you need to go on a witch hunt for leaven. Begin by learning to just love God, love people, and receive all believers. Learn to not judge beliefs or practices. Then, read. Read all kinds of Christian authors and sources. Be open to God's speaking in everything. Read, read, read. Read light books on Christian living, read some deep theology, read devotionals, especially read the Bible (with no footnotes). Visit a lot of different churches. Listen to the messages with an open mind. Be humble and appreciative of the many ways God works. Be open to everything but make nothing the final word (obviously the Bible is, but even it must be interpreted).

After some time, you will begin to notice a common thread. The thread will be about loving God, loving people, obeying his Word, being holy, serving others and witnessing for Him. It will be a pure, simple and life-sized thread. Focus on that thread, make it your life path.

You will also notice there will be very little about "building the Church." This is because we can't build the Church, only Christ can. The best we can do is help build up one another, which is the overflow of a life in the thread.

Certain things will fall away, some you will throw away. Some will come back and you will realize they are okay. But the main thing is to open yourself to many sources and let the Spirit tell you what is real.
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