Re: How Much To Throw Out?
There is quite a bit of speaking about keeping the good and discarding the evil. Thru the years how much did we hear about a ton of leaven and a spoon full of fine flour. But that's what we got. We got the ton of leaven and for my part it is difficult to glean the fine flour. Seriously I have strong doubts about the way our campus workers try for months to convince the young that we are right. Is that what we are after. I think the Mormons and many others are doing the same thing. What happened to speaking to those who have a known need. Remember, the Lord came to heal those who were sick. The "healthy" ones could not receive.
Even though I've been here for over 40 years, I'm not that sure when WL clearly left the Bible and went on his own. I well remember in the mid 80's when he started hatcheting the Psalms and the Psalms were not the only Bible he hatcheted. It really reveals how drugged we were when we didn't stand up and scream. The Christian faith is heavily bound in the Bible and our oracle, apostle, MOTA, dictator spent many years discrediting it while he continued to use the words "pure word of God."
Whether he was a wolf in 1949, I don't know. By the late 80's he was. He lost his conscience and without a conscience you are through with the Lord's work. From some who have posted about his last conference, it would seem his conscience was somewhat working but his BBs covered that up as they covered up all the misery of about 25 years. They too are partakers of his deceptions.
After 18 months "out" I attend a Bible church and the gentleman there is a very well taught man of God and speaks from his heart. I cannot remember when I ever heard WL or any of the BBs or elders speak from their heart. WL just spoke what he had figured out and mostly it was not the Bible but him.