Re: How Much To Throw Out?
I am still just a guest here but was intrigued by your post and felt compelled to answer. I would say to "throw out" whatever it was that drove you out and "keep" whatever it was that you loved--including the focus on Christ Himself and the realization of His Body expressed in His members. That which drove you out is the very thing that, by leaving, you will remove. Try hard to continue fellowship with those who remain behind that love you. Remember that Christ is not limited in any way--that He loves the other parts of His Body as much as the LC (and He DOES love them!), and that you, with prayer, will find another place to worship and grow. It will take time because one thing the LC is right about is that so much of Christianity today has gone to a "lite gospel". However, many of my friends in the "denominations" decry that also. You will just have to pray and visit and go and "taste" until you find what you are looking for. BUT: first step is defining what is making you leave after 20 years. By the very number, you were not unhappy most of the time. Figure out what made you unhappy and shed that.
Just my thoughts...hope they help.