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Old 07-23-2014, 06:06 AM   #27
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Default Re: In a local church only a few months... and now leaving.

One of the things that attracted me to the church was the strong worship of Christ Our Lord. How many places can one actively call out the feelings of love and admiration that are being felt for Our Lord during a service without being considered outrageously out-of-line? I am very thankful for that aspect of the LC.

As time has gone on and continues to move forward, I cannot help but see how the LC has become more and more like the Catholic Church. The Catholics have always maintained that they are the true church and while they do admit now that the Lord has sheep in "other folds", they maintain their belief that they are the REAL church. I have attended Catholic services and cannot help but notice that Christ's name is mentioned a great deal, but it is mixed with the Marian doctrine (which is a tragedy) and an adoration of the church. The church, as the bride, should not speak of herself or glorify herself. Her focus, the desire of her heart, is always on the Bridegroom. I hear speaking after speaking in which the church (LC) is spoken of in glowing terms--as if she were worthy of a kind of worship. In the Bible church that I attended when young, this never occurred. Oh, someone might mention that they enjoyed the Youth group or that pastor so-and-so had led them to the Lord, but testimonies and speakings NEVER glorified the church, only the Father and Christ. The only other group of believers that I remember speaking of "the church" in this way were Catholics. I find it ironic that the LC who despises the Catholic Church for her erroneous teachings (and there are, indeed, many) has become like them in diversion of loyalty and worship to the bride from the Bridegroom.
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