Re: How to help people whose friends and relatives are active members of th
Just to tag along on the end of this, while we are mentioning brainwashing. I have a friend of my friend who is in the church. My college best friend came about this new friend, and they hang out a lot.
Anyways, I told her that she's in a cult. I brought up how it was in that encyclopedia and all that. She said it was dispelled with that "we were wrong" article. And I said the author of that article has also been called corrupt.
So we dropped the subject for a second, and I mumbled "You're more gone than I thought."
And she says, "what?"
And I looked her in the eye and said, "They brainwash you there, do you know that? You're brainwashed."
Now here's the kicker, her reply:
"What is wrong with brainwashing when it is in the name of the Lord and it brings you to His Kingdom?"
That's when I felt like I had no shot at getting through to her. Because brainwashing in any sense is wrong, to me at least. They should be allowed to think for themselves but I can't seem to get through to them. I'm going to try to ask them to read Psalms and James, like you guys have suggested.
I just know they both don't belong there. I pray all the time about it, and I feel that the Lord has directed me to help them come out of it.
InChristAlone, have you had any success with your wife? I've been going through the same encounter practically with my best friend.