Of course I believe...or assume...you pick which one you want to tie me to...that all the "claims" in the Bible are true. Especially when it comes to the resurrection because, like the apostle Paul said, And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain - And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.
I can only surmise from what you have written here is that you think anybody who expresses his believe in, or his faith in that the Bible is the Word of God is engaging in circular logic. Sorry, zeek, this is not going to work here on this forum.
Of course you believe...or assume what Paul says there is true because you have already assumed that everything that the Bible claims is true. Your acceptance of Paul's claim follows logically from your presupposition. I'm not challenging your choice to do so. All I am asserting is that it is faith not knowledge. Why do you take exception to that observation? The Bible doesn't say the just shall live by knowledge. It says the just shall live by faith. I see nothing wrong with that as long as we acknowledge that is what we are doing. But to call faith knowledge or knowledge faith is an error. From what I have seen adherence to "The Faith" can only be accomplished by faith not knowledge. For every believer there is a point where individual experience, traditional valuation, and personal commitment decide the issue. Paul was predisposed to believe in resurrection because as he said in Acts 23 he was a pharisee and the son of a pharisee. The pharisees believed in resurrection. Thus, he was probably taught to believe in the resurrection at an early age possibly by his own father.