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Old 07-17-2014, 03:07 PM   #269
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45

Originally Posted by zeek View Post
Oh yes, there are many Bible-based theologies and no way to decide between them. It is still a simple matter of the church of your choice. Or, as in my case, the not-church of my choice. In either case we are in a Pre-Lee life-space existential situation. Or, more precisely, our post-Lee epistemological situation is as indeterminate as our Pre-Lee epistemological situation was.
Yep. There are many. And it is this aspect of theology that is most troubling. And the aspect of it that makes the popular intent in "systematic theology" so problematic to me. Every different group has their own slant on where the system leads to their set of "distinctives" and variation in doctrines and practices.

Sort of like the inerrancy of the Bible. Even if we insist on inerrancy only in "original autographs," those do not exist, therefore it is an empty statement. And every group that lays claim to "Biblical inerrancy" does so to identify themselves with all the other Christian groups. Of course, their version of the inerrant Bible leads them to believe differently on so many things. Both Arminians and Calvinists believe in the inerrant Bible. Those who sprinkle and those who dunk (not talking about donuts). And on and on we go.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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