Thread: The LCS Factor
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Old 09-09-2008, 10:04 PM   #775
Peter Debelak
I Have Finished My Course
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Posts: 303


I have many thoughts and I have not fully digested your many posts, which obviously have much thought behind them. I will post more thoroughly my responses and thoughts, but here I want to present what I see as a conundrum for me that your take on idolatry presents.

1 Corinthians 5:

11But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler--not even to eat with such a one.

I agree with you, that by a definition that can be healthy for allowing the Lord's light to shine on us personally, each and every one of us should be convicted as idolatrous. It is not explicit in the Word, but in humility and under His light, each of us should be convicted. The Lord knows I have.

The question presented on this thread, however, is not just how we interact ourselves before the Lord - but rather what the Word tells us about interacting with others. Your speaking here, it seems to me, is geared toward three points: 1) to cause each of us to be transparent and honest before the Lord (this is good and healthy); 2) to convict others that they are idolatrous; 3) to establish a proper response once idolatry is recognized.

If we all adopted your take, that each and every person in the LC is idolatrous by the definition that Paul spoke so very strongly about, then - at least for me - there are many meals and invitations to dinner by LC members I must decline. According to the Word of God and your definition of idolatry (as rooted in the Pauline definition), don't you agree I should decline these invitations to dinner? I have to tell you, even if I can't articulate why, it would violate my conscience to decline such invitations. And I don't believe I would be violating Paul's word in 1 Corinthians 5:11 by accepting them.

I am approaching this subject matter from several directions, I know. It may appear that I am scattered on this. I am not - well, not for myself, as I have had to have many nights of repentence before the Lord for replacing Him as the pre-eminant one. But my lack of clear articulation is not an indication of grasping for straws. There is something that just does not sit well with me in your presentation. I read and re-read your explications and I nod often. Yet something does not sit well. Tonight, I read this portion from 1 Corinthians, and the tension within me about this topic hit me again: what of my dear brothers in sisters in Christ, who love Christ, who live for Christ and for their neighbors - and also read a lot of Witness Lee (perhaps even uplift him too much): they may be unhealthy, but as idolators, do I have to decline the invitations to dinner??? I am not being sarcastic with that question...

In Love,


P.S. Really, Matt, I appreciate not only your thoughts, but your carefulness and thoroughness in what is obviously something you are burdened about. I recall taking BrentB to task very harshly for his characterizations which I felt were not grounded in the same thoroughness, precision and care that your study and presentation has had. Despite my immediate uncomfortable reactions to some of what you have said, I have taken it seriously and taken it seriously before the Lord and as opportunity to dive back into His word. So take my challenge in that light, for what its worth, brother.

P.P.S. (post-post addition) It has occurred to me that you may make a distinction between someone who has been "idolatrous" and someone who is an "idolator." Thing is, since I agree with you that idolatry, by your definition, is a matter of heart, I really can't see the distinction between the two. Perhaps further explanation of the distinction, if you believe there is one, would help.
I Have Finished My Course

Last edited by Peter Debelak; 09-09-2008 at 10:16 PM.
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