Re: Curious Sister
I'm the 41 year man and have to admit it is near incredible that I stayed so long. These 18 months I have dealt with the Lord a lot due to the fact I have very grown kids in the LC. My next door neighbor is a catholic, has cancer, and I pray for her daily. I certainly have no thought of telling her my feelings about the RCC. I sense she is a believer and that's all I need to know. Also she does not in any way speak of the RCC to me. We are both Christians, we have problems, and we pray for each other.
But with respect to the LC, I definitely have some feeling of alienation with those I have known for 40 years. I was there Sunday, the place was pretty full, they sang the one song, they had three short prayers (sometimes they have none) and 26 'prophecied.' Mostly the same speak every week but there is a little variance. Far too many references to WL with little or no references to the Lord or the Word. This is not good.
I'm eating breakfast with two or three brothers from the LC tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. I do feel more and more settled that I'm not a crusader. Essentially the Lord has not done anything with the thousands of sects of Christianity and I greatly doubt He will bother the LC. But I daily pray for those close to me that their eyes might be opened. I do strongly feel the LC is bad news but so I feel about Marxist philosophy and I can do little about either except pray.
I feel there is a real place for forums like this and those who have so well written of the gross cover up of the LC is right on in my thinking. At the same time we have to pray that we don't get eaten up by our thinking.
Lord save us all