Originally Posted by zeek
As the gravity of a star warps the space-time continuum around it, so does an encounter with the Divine Inexplicable seem to warp the categories of reason. Paul fell into the well of eternity where distinctions between an instant and three years fall apart. But, Paul didn't claim to be God himself. So, I assume that he had an ordinary human cognitive apparatus like the rest of us.
Paul said he was sharing a mystery with the Corinthians ; a mystery that hasn't come to pass for them yet.
And part of that mystery was the life-giving spirit.
That Lee claimed to solve that mystery, that, life-giving spirit meant Jesus, the last Adam, is the Holy Spirit, is to claim he had special, different, insight into the mystery Paul was writing.
Is such a claim blasphemy against the Spirit? Isn't it blasphemy if it's not true?