Originally Posted by Shawn
Hi Matt, a little statement and rebuttal, if you don't mind.
Do you concede that there are true believers in the Roman Catholic church? Can some not love the Lord and his word yet sit in the midst of all the idols surrounding them?
I think they can.
I concede there are. Yes, some can love the Lord in the midst of all the idols surrounding them.
And yes. They are in an environment that is in bondage and under the strong control of a hierarchy that is not of the Lord. I believe the RCC is less controlling than the LC has been in the past 20 years, but it is heavily leavened. This is clear to all.
Would you encourage any believer in the Lord that you know to join the RCC? Why not?
Originally Posted by Shawn
[COLOR=blue]I wish that you could show some of the mercy and compassion that you have referenced in point E. Some of the churches have grown through and out of the LSM way of doing things, if your point were true, every single member of the LC would still have a rabid loyalty to WL. Then and only then could you point the finger of all being usurped by idolatry.
Today I meet and fellowship in a church that had its roots in the LC/LSM and has since been growing out of it. I find your black and white portrayal to be baseless and troubling.
Sorry if I am not properly demonstrating these attributes. For clarity,
mercy is only granted under repentance by the Lord. I'm not the Lord so I'm not in a position to grant anyone mercy on these issues because idolatry is not a personal offense against me. It is an offense against the Lord. He is in the position to grant mercy. Part of the challenge of this thread has been that there was disagreement about the fact that idolatry came in very early on. I went back 50 years as a starting point.
As for compassion, I believe that I have demonstrated this over a very long period of time by the suffering I went through to moderate on the other forum allowing all to have their voice and point their guns at me as they felt it appropriate or necessary. If you choose to measure me because of the content of this one thread, then I would have to agree with your assessment.
I assure you that each one of us has been guilty of idolatry. No exceptions. Our hearts are dark. However, the points I have been making on this thread are about the systematic idolatry introduced and propogated by Lee. Be assured that some of it still exists, including in your locality. I know of at least one example there that is quite clear within your leadership.
It was by the mercy of God that the Midwest broke free from the LSM. Do you believe that the Midwest would have gotten free if the LSM
did not quarantine Titus Chu? This was the everlasting lovingkindness of God. If this had not happened, your locality would still be further under the sway of the LSM/LC.
That's not about 20 or 30 years into the past. It's very close to the present.
Do you realize how devilishly the LSM/LC has behaved to try to maintain their control over the localities in the Midwest? It is something to consider closely. Just because a number of localities ended up siding with Titus and this caused them to "schism" off of the LSM/LC does not make these localities suddenly healthy. It puts them on a better path. If they return to old habits then you end up right back where you were, just different names at the top of the list.
My emphasis has always been on encouraging and exhorting everyone to return to the Head. That's it.
Originally Posted by Shawn
Your fixation on idolatry seemed to be locked in the 70's and 80's condition of the church at that time. You make accusations based on events that go back 20 or 30 years; a time when all LC's were either towing the line as one group. I hope in the next posts you might consider the conditions then and now and recognize the difference.
I'm not fixated on the past. I am using the past to supply objective facts that counter the specific thoughts of some that the LC went from some glorious status to a degraded status.
I already recognize the difference in the Midwest. I've travelled through Pittsburgh and have been to a meeting there. I've travelled to other areas of the Midwest and have seen that there is a new found freedom in various localities. There is also still a lot of confusion and the leadership is not clear. I can be specific on this issue. I agree that the break from the LSM was a huge step in the right direction. When an addict is in recovery, they have to confront facts and be thorough. The same is true for us in regards to deception.
In closing, I know the points I have made on this thread have been strong. They have been strong enough to cause a reaction from many directions. I do understand where you are coming from and I don't have a hard heart or mean spirit towards you.