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Old 07-10-2014, 02:24 PM   #222
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Default Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45

One mistake Lee made was in his attempt to strictly systematize the Word he would try to impose patterns which weren't really there. He would lock onto a word and define it's meaning, then apply that meaning everywhere else the word was used. He was trying to superimpose a consistency on the Word that perhaps God never intended. It's a very left-brained instinct; and Lee was definitely a left-brained person.

But I'm not sure the Bible is meant that way. It's very possible its writers struggled with expression just like we do here, trying to express something the best way they could with the language they had, and not always being consistent.

So trying to nail down an exact, consistent meaning of the words "spirit" or "spiritual" finds its limit when we encounter phrases like "spiritual body." Our definition of "spirit" and "body" make that an oxymoron. But obviously it isn't or the Bible wouldn't use the phrase. Perhaps it is simply Paul's best expression of some idea he had. An idea we can understand incompletely but sufficiently for now.

Our desire for full understanding sometimes leads us to being mistaken. Better partial knowledge that is reliable than full knowledge that is speculative. The Bible resists our urge to systematize it. Thank God.
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