Re: "Become" or "Not Become" Interpreting 1Cor 15:45
For me, spirit is the inner essence of a person. The reality of that person. Spirit is where reality is. God is spirit because he is all essence.
The Holy Spirit is the essence of God in the sense that he is the connection between the Father and the Son, and God is all about love and fellowship. And thus the Spirit is our connection to the Father and the Son. The Spirit is all about connection, aka fellowship.
The Bible states clearly the Father and Son were together "in the Beginning." It is less clear on the Spirit's being there with them. Yet, if we believe the Spirit is God we have to believe he was there. But what was he doing? Why was he there?
Lee taught as if the Spirit had no other role other than to administer God's economy, i.e. to fill and transform mankind. But that says either that the Spirit did not exist in the beginning, or had no role to play in God Himself.
That makes no sense. Thus the conclusion that the Spirit must be the relationship between the Father and the Son, the flow of love and light and fellowship between them.
That's what makes sense to me. I'm not sure knowing it or believing it are crucial, however.